Well, I thought we were lucky to get Nike and we just got a second husky called Sophie from the same lady yesterday so now we are doubly lucky
. She is about 18 months old and was brought by the lady we got Nike from. She was bred once and only dropped one pup who she didn't take care of properly, etc. He was a beautiful puppy though and licks everyone who pats him (just like his mum
). She is nowhere near as good lineage as Nike but she is just as beautiful IMO. Because she wasn't a good mum and only dropped one pup (and probably shouldn't be bred again) the lady gave her to us to keep (She will be able to get another dog of breeding quality now as her limit is around 7 dogs at a time).
Her and Nike already knew each other and they get along like a house on fire which is great. I didn't walk them yesterday after we got home to let Sophie settle in and allow them both to get re-aquainted. She still has some milk left from the puppy (which is fully weaned now) so I have cut her feeding back a bit to let it dry up (so she doesn't get Mastitis, etc) but it is almost fully gone now. It will be interesting to see how she goes on her walk tonight with Nike, fingers crossed no idiots are out walking their dogs without a lead this time
Her temperment is fantastic and she just sits as close as she can to you, looking up and licking your hand until you pat her which is pretty funny to watch. She had only been in a car twice before we picked her up but she was more behaved than Nike (who was excited because he was back around the other dogs and his last owner again). The woman showed me her other dogs and I was suprised to learn that she owns a dog who is the half sister of my old husky that was stolen a few years back (same mum but different dads). They looked alot alike and it drudged up alot of emotions and memories about Zeph who I still miss alot to this day.
I haven't got any pics of Sophie yet but will take some when I take a few of Nike and post em on here and in the other post. I made a bed for her in the shed last night and put her food bowl in there so she has kind of claimed my shed now and struts around it like she owns the joint
Nike claimed the back door and I wanted to keep them seperated at meal times (because Nike is a bit of a grump about dogs near his food - although he is fine with people near it), but it's all going good so far. I will keep you guys posted on how she goes when I put the pics up 

Her and Nike already knew each other and they get along like a house on fire which is great. I didn't walk them yesterday after we got home to let Sophie settle in and allow them both to get re-aquainted. She still has some milk left from the puppy (which is fully weaned now) so I have cut her feeding back a bit to let it dry up (so she doesn't get Mastitis, etc) but it is almost fully gone now. It will be interesting to see how she goes on her walk tonight with Nike, fingers crossed no idiots are out walking their dogs without a lead this time

Her temperment is fantastic and she just sits as close as she can to you, looking up and licking your hand until you pat her which is pretty funny to watch. She had only been in a car twice before we picked her up but she was more behaved than Nike (who was excited because he was back around the other dogs and his last owner again). The woman showed me her other dogs and I was suprised to learn that she owns a dog who is the half sister of my old husky that was stolen a few years back (same mum but different dads). They looked alot alike and it drudged up alot of emotions and memories about Zeph who I still miss alot to this day.
I haven't got any pics of Sophie yet but will take some when I take a few of Nike and post em on here and in the other post. I made a bed for her in the shed last night and put her food bowl in there so she has kind of claimed my shed now and struts around it like she owns the joint