Gettin back into it all after 4 yrs off
it was preggas
i know its supposed to be a good thig.... well it is if u have a breeders net i still havnt got one..
im gettin one tomoz... but i think by then it will be too late..
iv moved biggest part of my fish into my bigger tank... all thats left in my smaller is
1 frog
3 kuli loaches
2 swordtails
and george my 'baby killer' betta
im hopein enough of them will last till tomoz morning, as i cant put george in the other tank because he will be nipped to buggerey by my barbs
shes still dropping them
shame realy they are a nice orange color.... dont think iv even seen an orange platie..... shes white with black speckles.... but then again i have got two male swordtails.... dirty litle beggers
Dawn xx
i know its supposed to be a good thig.... well it is if u have a breeders net i still havnt got one..
im gettin one tomoz... but i think by then it will be too late..
iv moved biggest part of my fish into my bigger tank... all thats left in my smaller is
1 frog
3 kuli loaches
2 swordtails
and george my 'baby killer' betta
im hopein enough of them will last till tomoz morning, as i cant put george in the other tank because he will be nipped to buggerey by my barbs
shes still dropping them
shame realy they are a nice orange color.... dont think iv even seen an orange platie..... shes white with black speckles.... but then again i have got two male swordtails.... dirty litle beggers
Dawn xx