Well My Goldfish Made It Through The Night.


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2013
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As some of you may know my I left on a 3 day trip and forgot to put the three day feeder in my goldfish tank. And when I came home they were half dead... Well they all made it through the night.
IT IS GOOD NEWS to hear you didn' t lost any fish. I would advise you to check water chemistry. I advise you this , mostly because usually , fish don' t have trouble skipping a meal for such a small period of time.
I dont wish this to be insulting, but do you have difficulties with maths or English? I only ask as your post http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/420628-ughhhhh-i-cant-believe-i-forgot-this/?view=findpost&p=3549712 references a 6 day trip, not a 3 day trip. Your previous post regarding saving 6 more bettas accounted for either 5 or 7 bettas.

As I say, I dont wish to be insulting you or hurtful, merely trying to reason the discrepancies in your information. As Reggie says too, fish really ought to survive 6 days without food quite easily unless they are very particular. Bettas and Goldfish are not ones I would put in that category. Here in Britain its normal for the pond fish we have in the work to go several weeks without food if the temperature drops below 4C.
Ok sorry I left for 3 days not 6 and I have 8 bettas currently because I had 9 but I gave one of my bettas to my niece. I Had 3 bettas already. I bought 1 from walmart. 1 from petco. and 3 from petsmart. SO THERE lol 
That clears it up somewhat. I gather:

You had 9: 3 existing, 1 from walmart (not 2 as in your previous post), 1 from petco and 3 from petsmart (not the 4 from your previous post) and either your post title was wrong and you got another 5 and had another existing one you have donated to a niece. Alternatively you did get another 6, have missed one out of your shopping list because you donated it to your niece.

Think I've got it. Or at least one of it. I wont ask about the time travelling numbers :rolleyes:

Id love to see a photo of your betta tanks? Ive seen people divide larger tanks to take care of multiple bettas more easily and this is the route I am thinking of going down but interested in how the individual tanks work.
Ya sorry I've been tired lately... Ya I can't do pics for some reason it tells me that the files are too big. I have 6 tanks. I have 4 1 gallons, a 5 gallon, and a half gallon. I use the 5 gallon for three small goldfish. I use 3 of my 1 gallons for my 3 males. I have 2 veiltails and 1 crowntail male. Then I use my other 1 gallon to house 3 female bettas 1 veiltail and 2 crowntail females. THIS IS ONLY TEMPORARY DO NOT put 3 fish in a 1 gallon 2 is fine but 3 is pushing it the third fish is only to cut down o bullying until they are all used to each other. I had 2 in the half gallon for about a week. ALSO TEMPORARY. I bought them small and I didn't want my bigger females to beat them up and/or kill them. I put them in the 5 gallon today. That is how I operate. I will be breeding in the fall. If you are going to go with the large tank with multiple dividers that is fine too, But if they are males don't use glass dividers. I know a lot of people do, but it stresses out the fish and they won't live long. Also if the dividers have holes in them so that the water can pass through Be careful about filters! Certain breeds of bettas can't stand up to the current and will die. These breeds are halfmoons, and doubletails. Just beware and be sure to take note if you use a filter the type of fish you are getting. Otherwise divided tanks work great! So enjoy!
Thanks for the info. If I go for a divided tank I plan on DIY plumbing the output across all divisions, should keep each zone lower in turbulance.

Cheers for the tip on those two though!
I can see a lot of people here might have something to say about keeping Betta's in 5L of water..
Let alone 3 small Goldfish in a 22L regardless of the fact they are "small"..

Wait, half a gallon, 2.5L?!
If they had more space, surely there wouldn't be bullying in the first place?
Are these tanks fully cycled and all filtered? :S
being able to get a filter and a heater in a 2.5L tank? no chance that these tanks are heated or cycled!
no of course the half gallon isn't filtered they are bettas...duh. Anyway it was only temporary trust me I know I have had it happen before. They will beat each other up in the beginning.

and I only had them in there a week they grew fast.
so what if they are bettas? they still need a filtered tank unless you are changing all the water every day?
SeaGoddess said:
no of course the half gallon isn't filtered they are bettas...duh. Anyway it was only temporary trust me I know I have had it happen before. They will beat each other up in the beginning.

and I only had them in there a week they grew fast.
"They are bettas...duh" really isn't the answer to use on a forum such as this.
They are like any other fish whom require adequate filtration, space and TLC. A minimum of 25L (5.5g) is required for one male.
No lol. Do you know anything about bettas. I mean no offense, but if you did you would know that bettas have prehistoric lungs and prefer no filtration. And yes in the 1/2 gallon I was doing full water changes everyday. Goodness you obviously need some more experience.
SeaGoddess said:
No lol. Do you know anything about bettas. I mean no offense, but if you did you would know that bettas have prehistoric lungs and prefer no filtration. And yes in the 1/2 gallon I was doing full water changes everyday. Goodness you obviously need some more experience.
Even though Bettas do well in waters low in dissolved oxygen, that does not mean they require less oxygen than other fish. The Labyrinth Organ (your so called prehistoric lungs) doesn't save your Betta from poor water conditions, nor fluctuations of temperatures in such a small amount of water - which by the way need to be kept at a constant tropical temperature of around 25 degrees celcius which can only be achieved in a larger body of water with a heater.
I am no Betta expert but I am certainly not shy when I know I am in the right.
Wouldn't a filter without powerful flow be better than stressing the fish everyday by doing 100% water changes?
and If you don't believe me just look it up. The argument isn't worth our time if it can be easily solved.

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