Welcome to the chilly zone

Davy Reynolds

The First Ever Member
Jan 16, 2002
Reaction score
Alloa, Scotland
Hi and weclome to the new forum, for all our cold fish ;)

Well I've not got a pond as I have to young kids. But I'm going to set up a water feature in the front garden. I've a 2x2x2 plastic black tub, so I'm going to dig this into the ground, add my pump a lagunia 2000, Pille loads of big pebbles on top and just have a fountain onto the pebbles. Plus a few plants round the edge. Hopfully this way it'll be hard to steel the pump 8) Should look smart :)
I live in an area where its cold half the year.. But me and my parents have built an outdoor pond with a baby water fall... using an old pool pump and an old bath tub. Its bot hand built rocks around it using baged concrete and river rocks to make it look a bit more real. It holds a ton a water! Not sure what a standard bath tub holds...but its alot. Any ways..my mother planted a ton of flowers around it. It look very nice. It has one pond gold fish in it. Thats all. no plants or any thing. Not even a pond filter in the pump. Just a pool filter. The fish spends the cold months in a 20 gal tank indoors. That it. Cold weather pond! hehe It does looks nice though. The bath tub is dug into the ground. Its not even noticeable as a bath tub. This wa the major reason I decided to use pool pumps with my indoor fish.

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