Weird white spots! :(

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2021
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Ok on June third I noticed this single white thing hanging from my fish, and now that I look back it did not look like ich as it wasn't round. Here's a picture that day:

It was gone a day later.

June 11th: this hanging weird white thing came back (it was NOT round like grains of salt) and then above it there was a white spot that looked like ich.
<----- Red =small white spot above the larger not round one / Blue circle: just the scales

June 12th (today): The larger white thing (not round) is still there but the smaller one which looks more like ich is gone.
Now there's two white spots near the gills on the OTHER side of the fish. They are very close together. I'm not sure but it looks like there's some kind of clear/whiteish algae connecting them?

It's probably important to note that the larger white spot looks like I could easily just flick it right off (almost hanging off of the fish).

I'm super confused right now. He is a betta fish and he shares a tank (barrier in between) with another female betta. She has no white spots and is very healthy. Doesn't look like the female betta contracted anything from the male betta.

I need some guidence now. :(
Should I treat him for ich? I'm not sure if it is ich though... maybe sand or algae got stuck on him... :( There was white algae on the heaters and I'm going to scrape that off today. Water parameters were fine. Just did 1/3 water change yesterday.

Symptoms: going to the surface to get air (i believe he always did this though. the sponge filter is on the other side. maybe it's why. but if i move the sponge filter to his side his fins always get ripped for some reason the day after).

He's eating and seems active.

If I really need to give him medication is it okay to put it in the tank with my other betta fish that seems healthy? The heaters aren't adjustable so I can't turn the water temperature up.
I apologize if this whole topic seems all over the place.
Thanks in advance.
At this stage they look like bumps and grazes to me. They show up because he is so black.
At this stage they look like bumps and grazes to me. They show up because he is so black.

Are they harmful to the fish in any way? I'm a beginner to fish keeping... no idea what those terms are. 😓
Also, the large white thing dropped off in like legit 1 hour. It's gone. I think it might be algae or something else...?

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