Weird Water Bugs


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Largo, FL
Well today I bought a really nice pair of blue rams. But there has been some kind of water bug, they are as small as the pupil of the ram's eye, are yellowish, and are free swiming. The guppies I had before just swollowed them and spit them back up. They don't seem to bother the fish, but any info on how to get rid of them will be very helpful and appricated, thanks :good:

Oh and its my dogs 10th birthday!!! :cake:
probably came with the rams. if u manually remove them or your fishes ate them, i doubt there would be anymore next time.
probably came with the rams. if u manually remove them or your fishes ate them, i doubt there would be anymore next time.
No they were there before the Rams I think they came from the drift wood I put in there. I'm just wondering if they will hurt the Rams or eventually (when the rams breed), the eggs.

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