Weird things you give to your betta

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Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
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"Why Utah?!"
I’ve never given mine anything too strange, but a girl once told me she fed hers chocolate cake before she bred hers and it made them spawn.
tacofrano said:
or what CAN you feed your fish besides worms and pelets and flakes?
Peas. :p
I wouldn't chance feeding my bettas anything weird just because of how small they are... it wouldn't take much of something to kill them. I've fed my oscar bananas, roasted pumpkin seeds, and a cat treat before though.
Synirr said:
tacofrano said:
or what CAN you feed your fish besides worms and pelets and flakes?
Peas. :p
I wouldn't chance feeding my bettas anything weird just because of how small they are... it wouldn't take much of something to kill them. I've fed my oscar bananas, roasted pumpkin seeds, and a cat treat before though.
:lol: Cat treats, that cracked me up.

:hey: Catnip! ;)
just take a frozen pea put it in a small cup stick it in the microwave then peel off te skin pinch off lil betta bite size peices hope that helps taco

p.s. mine love em :p
Styx said:
Cat treats. ^^ My cousin used to fee his oscar fiddler crabs.
Kinda an expensive snack, don't you think? :blink:
My cat is very picky about her treats (they have to be crunchy and liver flavoured or she turns her nose up at them,) so the oscar gets some of the ones she doesn't like on rare occasion... they're seafood flavour, so why not? :lol:
Jerry likes sweetcorn, guppy flakes, algae wafers and small pieces of soaked dog pellets. -_-
My fish LOVE blanched, chopped cucumber. (Make sure you remove the seeds before you give it to them)
I put it in my female community tank for my snail a while back and a HUGE fight enused among the girls about who got to eat the cucumber.

Here's a couple of pictures of that day...
These are Liza trying to keep Daisy away from it.



and she even tried to keep Gary away from it...

Also, don't forget about daphnia. My girls LOVE freeze dried or frozen daphnia.
Hmm, I just give mine pellets, bloodworms, brineshrimp, and peas. How do you blanch something? Maybe I'll give it a try.
Put a pan with some dechlor. water on the stove - when it's boiling, I drop the cucumber hunk for about 3 minutes, or until it starts to sort of turn clear around the edges. Then take it out, cool it, remove the seeds and chop it up into TINY pieces.

They LOVE it.

Oh, and my girls also go nuts for a small chunk of algae wafer too.
That keeps them busy for hours.

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