Weird Swimming!!


New Member
Sep 14, 2024
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I have two goldfish, one who is around and 1 1/2 and is actually gold and the other is still small and hasn't gotten its color. \

Currently the larger one is doing great but the smaller one keeps swimming into corners, pressing itself against the glass and gasping at the surface or swimming right next to the heater. I thought that it could be an air or water issue so I did a 25% water change (I did a 75% water change on Saturday) and my other fish loved it but my small one is still pressing itself on the glass. I decided to do a feed, knowing that the smaller one needs to eat more, and the smaller one was swimming around fine while eating but as soon as it finished it went back to doing the same thing. I also wondered if he was trying to get away from the other fish but usually he's the one who initiates play and bothers the gold one.

Other than swimming at the glass and sticking by the heater he seems fine, he's eating and active when he has a reason to be. (IE getting food and playing with the other fish.) Is there anything I could do or test? I'm wondering if that fish is sick because the other is fine.

I tried to film it but he would move away whenever i got close which is making me think he might just be bored or stupid.

I’m not 100% sure what’s causing that. Do you have an air stone on this tank? Perhaps oxygen levels are low. I’d personally do dechlorinated water changes every over day until it stops I guess.

The other option could be something such as a parasite or internal issue. If you could get better pictures/videos perhaps other members could help identify a cause :)
I can't watch the video, I have the time line on the bottom but no picture :(

As long as the fish is healthy and the tank is clean, it could be exploring the tank (depending on how long you have had it for). If it responds to food that's a good sign.

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