Weird spot on angel fish side

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Happy face bob

New Member
Apr 2, 2019
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I just recently bought an angel fish from a pet store to put in my 29 gallon tank with a Chinese algae eater, the algae eater is quite voracious and after a few days of having my angel fish I noticed a large spot on its side, I thought that maybe the algae eater was biting it so I put the algae eater in a different tank but after researching online I'm worried that it's mouth rot, I have had an aquarium for almost a year and a half and have never experienced one of my fish getting sick, plz help


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Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Check the water quality for ammonia, nitrite and pH and post the results (in numbers) here.

Chinese algae eaters will latch onto fish and try to eat them if they are hungry. If you have a light on the tank, you can increase the photoperiod to 16 hours a day to try and encourage algae to grow on the glass and ornaments. You can reduce the lighting time to 10-12 hours after the algae has started growing.

You can put algae wafers into the tank for the algae eater to eat.

You can return the algae eater and don't get any more.

If you can do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate each day for a couple of weeks. This will dilute any nutrients in the water and reduce the number of disease organisms in the water, and help the fish heal.

The following link has information about what to do if your fish get sick. It's long and boring but worth knowing. I recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep. :)
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Check the water quality for ammonia, nitrite and pH and post the results (in numbers) here.

Chinese algae eaters will latch onto fish and try to eat them if they are hungry. If you have a light on the tank, you can increase the photoperiod to 16 hours a day to try and encourage algae to grow on the glass and ornaments. You can reduce the lighting time to 10-12 hours after the algae has started growing.

You can put algae wafers into the tank for the algae eater to eat.

You can return the algae eater and don't get any more.

If you can do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate each day for a couple of weeks. This will dilute any nutrients in the water and reduce the number of disease organisms in the water, and help the fish heal.

The following link has information about what to do if your fish get sick. It's long and boring but worth knowing. I recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep. :)
Ok thank u

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