Weird Setup At Lfs


New Member
Sep 26, 2005
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well i went to my LFS yesturday and they had quite the odd set up of cichlids in the biggest main tank, probly about 75 Gal.

there was:

3 pictus?(i think) catfish
4 clown loaches
1 red-tail shark
2 convicts
2 yellow labs
2 Kenyi
2 red zebras
2 auratus

i guess my question or comment is what would cause any problems in this set-up??
well i went to my LFS yesturday and they had quite the odd set up of cichlids in the biggest main tank, probly about 75 Gal.

there was:

3 pictus?(i think) catfish
4 clown loaches
1 red-tail shark
2 convicts
2 yellow labs
2 Kenyi
2 red zebras
2 auratus

i guess my question or comment is what would cause any problems in this set-up??

I'm not to experienced with cichlids, but I didn't think you could have clown loaches and Sharks in with them! Dunno maybe you can??

clown loachs and 1 red tail shark are known to work with africans, but my worry was about the types of cichlids they had in with each other.... liek the convicts and Kenyi with the yellow labs and auratus, etc.....
If its at a lfs, its probably a temporary arrangement anyway. They dont seem to bothered about mixing species if its not for a long period of time..

hense why they often but bettas in tanks with guppys and tetras etc. :/ Although, im not certain.
Possibly a display tank, you know, where they house all the fish people bring in because it 'ate all their neons' or something. My lfs has a really cool one, about 180g, maybe, with silver sharks, a giraffe cat, a bichir, a parrot.... Really cool.
i guess the cats would eat the rest when they big enough hey??...

but besides that , would the fish survive alright in an arrangement like that?...and would adding a couple more labs and a foursome of cobalts or anything make for less aggression ?....someone told me it would, but i wasn't convinced
No, the chances are they'll have their own problems. I think you'll go in one day and the tank will mysteriously have been rearranged. Were they adults?
no they were quite young, the cats were about 3-3.5 " long and the convicts were about 2.5" and the rest were under 2" i guess

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