Weird query


New Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Hi, I have an odd question. I have a 20 gallon tank with Platys and Guppies.

All has been well for about 4 months. All of a sudden 5 fish die in a week. They all started swimming a bit funny and then looked a bit thin and curvy(??). The next day they were dead - this was over a period of a week. I checked the filter/nitrites/nitrates and all are fine. Water is changed every 2 weeks (only about 15 small fish in the tank). The temperature is at about 25. I ornament and 6 small plants in the tank. any help would be appreciated.


Kelly :unsure:
:hi: to the forum and I'm sorry to hear about your problems, you would get the best results by posting your problem in the Tropical Fish Emergencies section. from what you described it sounds like dropsy. Has there been any heavy rains in your area lately? we had some flooding at my job which contaminated or water supply, the news bulletin on this went out about 10 minutes after I made a water change. sure enough withing 24 hours, my betta had eye fungus and ich (I bring water from home to change now) and he is making a very strong recovery.
neither did i maybe that explain my recent ICH outbreak coz a few dats before we had a storm and then the next morning the whole tank come down with ICH, i tested the water and all was well.
I think they might have internal parasites. Have you added any new fish lately? What about the rest of the fish, are they showing any signs of illness?
any new fish added? what are you feeding them, and how old is the food?how often do youfeed them? any visible prasites on the sides of the dead or live fish? any red streaks? any leasions? if you look from top, does it look like their scales are stcking out side ways?

i would also make 25% water changes once a week.

for now, i would add some rock salt to help them maken their own slime coating. keep us informed on the others

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