Yeah, i will go back to the shop and see what they say about a refund/replacement. I wouldn't buy a fish that had any symptoms of disease - however, many look stressed from the bare tanks, constant inspections and noise. If i hadn't bought the puffer they would have just waited till it had croaked, or flushed it overnight - £4 isn't worth their while either to try to save or to do a hard sell on. I was just soft and thought some peace and quiet might help a stressed fish. And what can you do? My nearest lfs where I get most of my fish has small, bare, overcrowded tanks (although no dead fish in tanks) and apart from this puffer, all the fish have survived and are doing well. The lfs an hour away from me where I bought some others, which had planted tanks and exceptionally happy and well adjusted looking fish ended up giving me a deformed fish which i had to euthanise and apparently has a reputation for diseased fish which kark it soon after purchase! If anyone can recommend a lfs within an hour of me that is responsible and sells happy, healthy fish I will happily exercise my economic veto and shop there, and let the other shops lose my business.
And yes, I have gone into a pet shop for a scratching post and come out with a kitten. Twice.
And yes, my mother did go to a jumble sale at the local animal shelter and come back with 2 dogs and a rabbit.
I think buying 31 healthy fish and only being a sucker once isn't that bad of an average.... actually thinking of some of the betta rescuers in this forum it's pretty damn hard-hearted!
Anyhow, i might leave puffers a while, or at least until i can find a couple of really healthy looking DPs which don't need brackish water etc.