Weird Looking Water On Top


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2006
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i recently planted my 29 gallon tank with about 15 plants. The top of the water is looking kind of murky or foggy or something. My hand goes in and out with nothing on it so its not causing a cover/film affect. Anyone know why this happens?

by the way i have root tabs in there and i started to use flourish excel today but it was there before i put my first dosing.
A surface film like that often happens. It will generally stop happening once the tank matures (a good few months) but in the meantime you can possibly clear it by laying some kitchen paper on the water surface and quickly lifting it off once it gets wet. It should lift the film off with the paper. Worthtrying to find kitchen paper that is either listed as bleach-free or using an environmentally friendly paper which hopefully didn't use bleach.
i had the same problem for a couple weeks after i started dosing ei, i tried everything but it would always come back quickly. I finally got a surface skimmer and from that point on i'm laughing. It works amazing.. checkout my journal to see it in action.
My tank is now 5 months old and I had the same thing happen just last week. For 5 or 6 days there was a cloudy film on the surface of the water. Went just as quickly as it arrived...even though I had seemingly changed nothing. This is the second time it has happened and on both occasions it has just gone after a week or so. Doesn't seem to affect the fish or plants.
I find it seems to be related to how many plants are touching the surface of the water: no plants means a film, loads of plants means there is no film. I have no clue why or if these are related but it seems that way for me!
well my two onion bulbs and my amazon sword are touching the surface so i dont know if it has any connection. I dont think its affecting my fish cause they still come to the top to get food. I hope it clears up eventually. Thank you all for your relpies.

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