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Olive nerite?
I collected all of these inverts today while my father and I were collection fish and plants. I have non clue what they are, I just know they are strange.
Well I feel like an idiot.
like i said, id have to see them better (like handle them)...i used to id these things for a living to determine pollution levels and created models of point-source pollution.
and you are correct that it is possible to tell TYPE of larvae from the castings, not necessarily species. it helps to know what type of water they were found in-slow and stagnant, fast and flowing.etc, and goegraphical area to better narrow it down. to be very general, IMO, it's either a stonefly or a caddisfly larvae. both very cool little critters.
Try this site: [URL="http/www.cofc.edu/~fwgna/FWGGA/index.html"]http/www.cofc.edu/~fwgna/FWGGA/index.html[/URL].If the snails aren't nerites then what are they? When I had olives they had the exact coloration and texture. The body shape is a bit different, as the end is more pointed.