Weird goo found in fish tank


Fish Addict
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Pet of the Month 🎖️
Jul 23, 2021
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I have a 1.5 gallon tank that I use for super newborn fry and I was going to feed my latest batch when I bumped the heater and this was under it. It’s a clear goo substance with little yellow dots in it. They kinda look like sesame seeds up the size of a needle tip. They were so small my camera couldn’t quite figure out what is was. There’s a pond snail in that tank, came in from who knows where, some decoration or plant, so are those pond snail eggs???

If these are eggs… do snails do asexual reproduction and would they have hatched in a freshwater tank?
After finding dozens of teeny tiny baby snails I’m going to assume: yes these are snail eggs. Yes they reproduce by themselves. And yes I have a sudden very big problem in my tank. My assassin snail is skipping leg day.
Yes, snail eggs. Squish them as you see them. Or you can put a piece of vegetable in the tank, leave for 30 min, toss in trash. Repeat until snails are gone.
Could be that the pond snail that you found in your tank was already fertilized when it got there. You could just leave them alone. They don't hurt anything, help keep the place clean, and usually don't overpopulate unless you're overfeeding.
I could honestly use a few more snails in a couple of my tanks. I think I’ll keep an eye on them for now and if they prove to be too big an issue I’ll do as circus said or just put a couple (non slacker) assassin snails in there to help keep the numbers lower.

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