Weird "film" On Water Surface


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
its looks like a thin film on the surface

stats are ok, its a planted tank with shrimp...1 halfbeak hangs near the surface. is this something to worry about??

just did a 25% water change and got most of it...i thought, now its back. is this something from the tannins that are in my water?
its looks like a thin film on the surface

stats are ok, its a planted tank with shrimp...1 halfbeak hangs near the surface. is this something to worry about??

just did a 25% water change and got most of it...i thought, now its back. is this something from the tannins that are in my water?

i would post this on the emergancy section, i dont know what this film is could be algea? halfbeaks are surface dwelling fish so dont be worried if it hangs at the surface unless it has rapid gill movement or other obnormal things.
Quite a lot that could contribite to this.... Rainbowy or white??... tank in garage or in room?? Recent paint job done/ Feed any meaty substance?? so, so many things....?
Hard to say without pics but is it white or green? Oily looking?

Could possibly be due to high organic levels or poor water circulation.

WC's will get rid of it as will laying a paper towel across the surface to soak it up if that's what it is.
I think there are quite a few organic substances that will form very thin films on the aquarium surface, some quite hard to notice unless you look closely. Most of them are completely harmless. If you remember observing streams, ponds and lakes as a child, often films of various sorts are seen. Water changes (or towels as mentioned) are the usual route to having this clear up, as well as time.

That said, it also makes sense to examine whether it is due to some change. Many threads on TFF have discussed that bloodworms and other rich foods can contribute to this. Also, as mentioned it is good to be on the lookout for outside contamination by something going on in the room around the tank or some mechanical malfunction of tank equipment.

thanks guys, i bet its the bloodworms i feed him. he gets more than he should but i like to treat my fish! its nothing oily, its more of a very thin, almost "dusty" film.

im sure it will be ok after reading your comments
Yup, that's what I was digging for. Bloodworms definately cause films. Bloodworms, I believe, can also be tricky in the feeding department... I'd search some threads here. I believe I remember someone having some sort of serious problem with their fish that was finally worked out to be too much feeding of bloodworm. I would be very cautious about that until you have more info on this.


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