Weird Brine Shrimp


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Anyone notice anything weird about one of these? Like, that it's lime green? :huh:
Noticed it while feeding my bettas today, I've never seen one that colour...
yea that is kinda werid.. but people come in different colors aswell :)

never seen full grown ones before
Maybe it is an alien shrimp trying to take control over one of your lovely bettas :lol: .
It's a pod-shrimp.....really it's from a distant planet that is jealous of us humans so it plots to take over the world by confusing us so greatly with the color of it's host (the shrimp)........ :alien: :lol:

edit: see, it's already starting :shifty: it confused me so much that I spelled confused wrong!!! :look:
Aww, cute. Have you fed it to the fish? If no, keep it! Give it a few friends and see if you can get a line of green shrimp.
Aww, cute. Have you fed it to the fish? If no, keep it! Give it a few friends and see if you can get a line of green shrimp.
I actually would have done that if it hadn't come from a pack of very dead frozen ones :p
It was fed to the fish in the 29 gallon and nobody died, so I guess it was ok :lol:
Kinda like green potato chips :alien:

Now to offer a possible explanation other than "Pod shrimp". Good Lord People! :rolleyes: Such silliness!

(Imagine the voice of the Clear Eyes guy, or if you prefer, any British naturalist, or Spock if you fancy Sci-fi)

Shrimp are semi-transparent, perhaps this shrimp consumed something green before it died, like plant matter, and that is in it's system, giving it a green color. Sometimes when I peel shrimp for human consumption, the digestive system of the shrimp rupture when they die, and their stomach contents leak out. Since shrimp don't have the same vascular system we do, they tend to absorb colors, and that is perhaps where the green tint comes from. Or on a less savory note, the shrimp may have been left standing for too long before it was frozen and perhaps mold or bacteria set in, again coloring the shrimp. :sick:

(End explanatory voice of your choice)

Now that I have sufficiently grossed you out with my nerdiness. :nerd: I shall continue to work on my paper that is due on Friday.

Take care, I'm going off for a snack. All this shrimp talk is making me hungry. :p
perhaps this shrimp consumed something green before it died
Spirulina,most likely. That's what I thought when I saw this thread last night anyway.
I'd just like to say that I find it highly entertaining that the first general reaction to the brine shrimp was, "isolate it! breed it and make a strain of green shrimp!"


I'd just like to say that I find it highly entertaining that the first general reaction to the brine shrimp was, "isolate it! breed it and make a strain of green shrimp!"



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