Weird Behavior Community


Boss Major
Dec 1, 2003
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San Francisco/San Jose, CA
i have this green betta that is pretty aggresive, a green/red one that is less aggressive than the 1st, and a white betta that is a coward. the white betta that always hangs around the bottom when she was still in a bowl. she was scared of everything. when i let a male flare at her, she would swim away and try to get some distance in between them. the other 2 females would just flare back. i just added all 3 to a 10g and the the other 2 were picking on the white one. next day, the green and green/red ones had all these wounds and the white one has nothing. i watch them for 10 minutes, and the white one is chasing them both around! anybody else have this happen to them??

Edit: oh yeah, they are with 3 corys and 2 adfs, but they dont get chased
The best thing to do would be to go out and get a couple more girls, take the other 3 out and rearrange your tank so the original 3 don't have territorial issues. This should help with the aggression, and after some initial squabbling to figure out the pecking order, they should be fine. Also make sure they have enough plant cover or some caves, etc. for them to hide in, in case they need a time out!
and make sure there's no male in the tank, a group of females, 4+ is ok, but no males. females can be just as aggressive as males though, so if one or two are being extremely aggressive, it's best to isolate them as you would a male.
well, there are 3 caves in there that they never use. they are always around the surface. of course there are no males in there, as its a female community tank :lol: how many would be a good number of females?
I think a good number would be 5-6 females, but that would probably make your tank overstocked because of the cories and ADFs. :/

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