Weir system


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2004
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After much research and asking people alot of qestions i have decided to have a weir system only I dont want the weir to hang on the side of the tank. I was wondering does anyone know if you are able to drill a hole in the bottom of the tank and have a small rectangle shaped box around the hole and as high as you want the water level to be in the tank, im trying to minimise the equipment in the tank. The water would then get to the desired level over flow in to the small box down the hole in to the sump via tubing, from the sump the water would then get pumped back to the main tank. In the sump i would have a tower type camber with bio balls and carbon and on top of that filter wool, when the water came out of the tank it would go in to a spinning piece of pipe so the dirty water would be evenly spread over the filter elements. I want to have my heater and thermometer ect all in the sump, to keep them out of view. Just had a great idea i could also set up a breeding trap so when the mother had the babies the fell through small hole down in to the sump were the would grow and get beigger only i would have to put stockings or something similar over all entry and exit point for water so the dont get out, only problem is keeping the pipe they fall down full of water nope it would no work cause it would siphin the water out of the main tank, i could still use the sump as a holding tank for fry only though.

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