Weight Of An Empty 48x24x18 Tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Can anyone tell me how much one of these would weigh? I'm thinking of getting a new tank and was wondering how hard it would be for 2 people to carry if I go via the ebay route.
Empty I'd think the weight will be very low, shouldn't pose any problems for moving, especially for two people, unless your measurements are in metres or something mad. Just be careful not to catch it on anything!
yesh, you will be ale to move a 4ft tank quite easily with two reasonably strong men. :good:
Those are measurements of the tank I have upstairs, and I can tell you it weighed an absolute ton. It must be strange though, because my other 90 gallon tank I can lift solo, yet the one upstairs definately weighs ALOT more.
Agreed two people no probs.

I just bought quite a large tank, (not quite that big though) and I lifted it down two flights of stairs with my OH im only 5'4 and 8 stone.

mind you I realy did want it and was getting it home regardless before he decided it was to big and changed his mind :lol:

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