Week Off Work - Yay!


Fish Herder
Jun 5, 2008
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Kent, UK
I'm leaving work in an hour (got the dreaded dentist to fix a broken tooth :-( )

But I'm feeling excited because I'm off work next week!! :hyper: :yahoo: So I won't be on here till the following week (I shall miss you crazy folks lol) Am very much in need of a break away though! No getting up at 5.30am with 2 hr train journey there and back and dragging my feet through the door at gone 8pm every night. Ah bliss!

Not going anywhere...but then I do live at the seaside, so if the sun happens to shine, no doubt I'll be down at the seafront with my daughter and grandchildren, having fun. A trip to Howlett's animal park is on the cards, too.

Bysie-bye for now..."See" you all again in a week's time! :*

Athena x
Wooo - yes, I'd forgotten about that!! Even better lol

Happy happy joy joy! :)

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