
Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2003
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England, Luton
i was doin a water change, and i was sucking the water out weith my siphone, all of a sudden a little dark thing came out, i took a closer look, and it was a white cloud

:eek: = me
:hyper: =fish

i though hed die, but nothing haooend, i bet he engoyed the ride... i feel sorry for the people who use pythons(siphone linked to tap!), and suck up fish into it, hed be down the plug hole :sad: :rolleyes:

Has this ever happend to u?
It's happened to my sailfin fry lots of times. I always double check the water before I throw it away.
I have a water python and everytime I do a water change its a race to see which fish gets sucked into it. My fish love taking a ride in it especially my tiger barbs. I had 4 of them in the python tube at once one day and they all thought it was grand. They swim up the tube and back down the tube and back up and back down over and over and over again. It's quite funny to see.


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