K konrad05 Fish Addict Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 847 Reaction score 0 Location Toronto, ON May 1, 2004 #1 Hey everybody, I just put together a website on my new 55 gallon tank and how I constructed the wooden canopy. Email me if you have any questions. http/www.students.yorku.ca/~konradp
Hey everybody, I just put together a website on my new 55 gallon tank and how I constructed the wooden canopy. Email me if you have any questions. http/www.students.yorku.ca/~konradp
M MadCow Fish Fanatic Joined Mar 24, 2004 Messages 81 Reaction score 0 Location Michigan May 1, 2004 #2 Wow looks great!! Congratulations. Has to be rewarding all that hard work and planning to end up with such a great tank setup. Enjoy!!
Wow looks great!! Congratulations. Has to be rewarding all that hard work and planning to end up with such a great tank setup. Enjoy!!
Inchworm Li'l Ole Fish Lady Joined Aug 31, 2003 Messages 19,720 Reaction score 16 Location New York May 1, 2004 #3 Hi konrad05 You did a great job of it! That canopy looks perfect, too!
C Cheese Specialist Newbie Joined Dec 10, 2003 Messages 5,423 Reaction score 0 Location Newcastle, England May 1, 2004 #4 Cool!! Thanks for that! I am glad you went with mitre joints, always the most professional IMO. I'd love to have the tools available to do something like that. I toyed with making my own cabinet but I just don't have the room.
Cool!! Thanks for that! I am glad you went with mitre joints, always the most professional IMO. I'd love to have the tools available to do something like that. I toyed with making my own cabinet but I just don't have the room.
S Silly me Fish Addict Joined Mar 16, 2004 Messages 864 Reaction score 0 Location Rustenburg South Africa May 1, 2004 #5 nice setup.. looks realy good...
F fishy frenzy Fish Crazy Joined Feb 6, 2004 Messages 295 Reaction score 0 Location near reading, england May 1, 2004 #6 did a bril job on it the canpony looks great
bunjiweb mmmmmmmarines Joined Apr 1, 2004 Messages 4,108 Reaction score 1 Location Cheltenham (UK) May 1, 2004 #7 looks very nice. Looks like you put a great deal of effort into it. Ben
T tmlhaus Fish Fanatic Joined Apr 4, 2004 Messages 128 Reaction score 0 May 1, 2004 #8 Looks great. Keep those pictures coming once you add all the fish and the plants keep growing! GREAT JOB!
Looks great. Keep those pictures coming once you add all the fish and the plants keep growing! GREAT JOB!
J J_acon Fishaholic Joined Apr 30, 2004 Messages 586 Reaction score 0 Location Melbourne, Australia May 1, 2004 #9 Awesome job, well done man.
OP OP K konrad05 Fish Addict Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 847 Reaction score 0 Location Toronto, ON May 1, 2004 #10 Thanks for the feedback everybody!
F Fish-n-Chips New Member Joined Apr 17, 2004 Messages 11 Reaction score 0 Location Nothern New Jersey,USA May 1, 2004 #11 very nice......good job!!
OP OP K konrad05 Fish Addict Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 847 Reaction score 0 Location Toronto, ON May 11, 2004 #12 Finally I finished the tank and the website with all pictures adding and updated! Thanks everybody for the feedback before.
Finally I finished the tank and the website with all pictures adding and updated! Thanks everybody for the feedback before.
S Sorrell If you're a bird, I'm a bird Joined Mar 5, 2004 Messages 4,152 Reaction score 2 Location Wyoming, brrrr! May 11, 2004 #13 That looks so good, thanks for doing the website, it's nice to see that DIY projects can turn out looking just as good, if not better, than the store bought projects. Very nice!
That looks so good, thanks for doing the website, it's nice to see that DIY projects can turn out looking just as good, if not better, than the store bought projects. Very nice!
B buggyboutbettas Fishaholic Joined Apr 23, 2004 Messages 547 Reaction score 0 Location Colorado, U.S. May 11, 2004 #14 you know if you wanted to, you could come to my house and build me a 75 Gal. whatta ya say? I'll through in some skiing passes... awesome tank man!
you know if you wanted to, you could come to my house and build me a 75 Gal. whatta ya say? I'll through in some skiing passes... awesome tank man!