weather loaches and sand


Fish Crazy
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Missouri, USA
Hi everyone! I am getting ready to move into our new house. It's probably still a month off... Anyhow, I am planning how I am going to set up the tank once I get situated. I plan to use sand as a substrate and plant the tank very densely. I have never seen weather loaches in this area (Midwestern US) and so know very little about them. I am thinking of getting them, though, for keeping the sand from going stagnant. One of my major concerns is keeping the sand out of my Emperor 400 filter. If sand got into it it would ruin the motor, and I would be devistated. I don't think dh would be too thrilled if I spent that kind of money for a new filter. I am currently using ugf as well. I am assuming that won't work with even the most coarse of sands, or with a densely planted tank... What do ya'll think.
Weather loaches(also called dojo loaches) can be quite an active bottom feeder. If your filter extends close to the bottom, I'm pretty sure your loaches will stir sand up into it, probably not alot but alittle each day. My 2 six inch weather loaches liked to burrow in the fine gravel I had for them so I'm sure they'd have fun playing and stirring up sand in your tank. Just remember they do get to be 6inches, need good swimming space, and caves/shaded areas for security.
I wouldn't buy them in you just want something to stir your sand around, why not just do it with your syphon when you do a water change? Sure they'll stir it up abit but not completely from the bottom to top. Also, most likely all those plants you have are going to be uprooted. Even my bulky fake plants with river stones on them could not with stand the loaches digging them up.

Good luck with them :)
Here is some basic Weather Loach information for you; . :) They will burrow in sand and search for food in the substrate so they do turn it over and move it about quite alot. However, this is unlikely to affect your filter to much, just keep the intake above the sand level. Good luck. :)
:blink: It didn't think about them uprooting the plants...that wouldn't be cool. The reason I won't be able to stir the sand around when I do water changes is that I plan to have so many plants in there it won't be possible to get the siphone down in there, plus it would damage the root system. That's my theory, anyway. I am planning on putting in one or two large pieces of driftwood that are craggy and twisty, so they will provide plenty of caves/hiding places for the loaches. I sure wish I could hav kuhli (sp?) loaches with goldfish. I think they are just too cool. They are so cute! Oh well....maybe someday in another tank...

Thanks for the info, Ryan. You know imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. When I get the tank established I am going to come up with a digital camera so you can see what you have inspired. (Let's hope it makes you proud and not apalled! :fun:

How many weather loaches should I get? They are going into my 55 gallon tank with the four goldfish. Will they uproot my plants significantly? Do I need to get the plants well established before introducing them?
Lets just say root them firmly in the sand and put river stones ontop to help keep them there. I would buy more they one loach b/c they like each others company. Depending on how many other bottom feeders you have in the 55, i would say 2-4 could defintely fit in your tank.
I keep mine in a heavily planted tank and IME they don't cause the plants much harm, only occasionly uncovering parts of the roots but these are often recovered or can be easily done by myself. They are a gregarious fish as snowyangel says and prefer to be in groups so as shes says depending on the stocking, around 2-4 specimens. :)
Okay. I just don't want to overstock. Their only bottom feeder companion will be my rubbernose plec. Is an odd number better?

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