Weather Loach


Sinclair Aquatic Systems
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Scarborough
hey! :D
I have a weather loach in my 90Gal coldwater tank and it seems to have little white spots on its head. Is this tubercles (or what ever) or do just goldfish get them?
The fish seems to enjoy relaxing and being really lazy so maybe it is a male :shifty:
Its not ich coz it hasnt shown up on his fins before hand and its just on his head. I also use ich treatment so its highly unlikely its gonna be ich.

Do weather loach acctually get tuberles (or whatever) or something similar after being so many years old?

Also, can't get a good enough photo to see the little things
MIne is 4 years old and is at full growth and does not have these. So I can not help you here. I would just keep a eye on it.
Its not ich coz it hasnt shown up on his fins before hand and its just on his head. I also use ich treatment so its highly unlikely its gonna be ich.

Do weather loach acctually get tuberles (or whatever) or something similar after being so many years old?

Also, can't get a good enough photo to see the little things
It does sound like ick - why have you been treating the tank?

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