Weather Loach Lethargic, On Side (Coldwater)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2015
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It's been all quiet and good health in both my tanks for some weeks now; so this morning's discoveries were a jolt to the system. Firstly, I know this isn't primarily considered a tropical fish, but we don't seem to have an emergency section to cover a weather loach. I found my female loach lying on her side this morning, gasping and lethargic. She has no particular outward symptoms to go on; no visible growths or fungus, but maybe a very slight reddening at the base of one pectoral fin. She is five inches long; probably about eight to nine months old, I've had her for five. There is another loach (male) in the tank, around the same age, plus my old goldfish. They both look well. Tank size (coldwater) circa 40 gallons, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10ppm.
Surprisingly, I've never had to medicate a loach before....I've had two in my time, but they seemed to escape all illnesses.
I know loaches don't like salt treatments, so am wondering what to do here.
The other misery was my red-striped dwarf gourami; collapsed at the rear of the warm-water tank, lying on his side. I don't feel I can do anything for him. He moves around like a flounder. Not appeared well for a number of weeks, so I fear something more sinister. All other fish are well, tank readings ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5-10ppm (recently changed water).
Anyone with a thought on the loach would be helpful. (and indeed the gourami, although I fear he won't be here long).
Ah well, all too late. Can't save the loach, she has rejected all her food now. Gourami has gone, probably DGD. And now my bronze corys are keeling over. Sheesh. Surrounded by buckets of water and hospital tanks. No more time to post. Wish us luck.
Although it's only me answering my own post, thought I'd quickly post this here for info and update. A day or so after my last post, my loach started exhibiting signs of having gill flukes. Lots of "yawning" and suspicious-looking redness inside the gills was observed. Took a chance and started treating her with Waterlife Sterazin. Tomorrow will be Day 3, for next dose. Still lethargic and not taking food (that I can see); but looks a little more settled. Fingers crossed. Long way to go yet.
My bronzes had dropsy. I didnt realise it straight away, due to lack of experience with catfish, but it all happened so fast.
Did any of them make it?  I have 4 blue dwarf gouramis ... one is gasping... water tests normal... no idea.

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