Weak Fish Diet Recommendation?


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2005
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I am sure some of you have been there, but it is the first time for me, so ideas are welcome.

Here is the exact situation: about 3 months ago, I've added 4 small (all 1") polka-dot loaches to my older two 2". As of now, I have six, four of them are about 2", one 1.3", and one still at 1". The smallest one also appears very skinny, and while active, did not compete for food (did not swim up when flakes are dropped).

There are no obvious signs of disease except for red around the gills -- but *I think* it is simply because he is young and skinny and gills "show through" (He does not rub, so probably not flukes).

Since he could not compete in a big tank, and larger fish started showing unhealthy interest in him, I moved him to a 10g khuli tank where I can be sure he eats and I can watch him.

(Sorry for the long intro, now the question)

What should I feed him exactly to try to force him to grow?

(In the small tank, I was able to give him frozen bloodworms -- and fortunately, he is interested. What else would you recommend? Live food?)

I really hate the idea of losing a loach if I can do something....


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