My sister is moving out this week and taking her miniature dachshund, Scamp, with her. This leaves Lexi, my golden retriever, all alone. She's never been alone before. So my sister and I went to a local animal shelter yesterday to get Lexi a friend. My mom was very specific about what she didn't want. No boys, no biggger than Lexi, no pitt bulls, no shepherds, no rottwielers, or any other dog that would raise homeowners insurance. They must be house broken, good with other dogs, and good with children. This only left 3 dogs out of the 40 that were at the shelter. We saw a black lab mix and I fell in love. So we brought Lexi back to meet her and make sure they got along. Now we have Lexi, Scamp, and Miley, 2 very adorable babies. Lexi will be 5 this summer and Miley is 3 and a half. They are getting along great. Here's a few pics of my pups.