Fish Fanatic
My youngest child is so helpful and she just loves fish. Today she poored about 1/2 a can of flakes (at least this time it wasn't foot powder) in the tank because the fish just looked sooo hungry. My wife did about a 90% water change but she really doesn't know what she's doing and when i cam home the temp guage was off the scale and the water was definately warm to the touch. Well by this point I didn't see how I could tourcher them much more so I scooped them up and put them all in a small bowl hoping the water would cool off quicker without being too quick. I completly drained the tank and rinsed the rocks. I kept the filter and bio wheel in the bowl so I don't think I lost my bac. By the time I got the tank full the bowl was much coser to where it needed to be and since they had already been through hell i didn't see how I could hurt them more so I just scooped them out of the bowl back into the tank. So are these sudden change in temps going to kill my fish?