We Have Fry!


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Feb 8, 2011
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So.. I am gettig ready to head to the city for the day... I got to feed my fishies.. and guess what?! I see babies swimming! So far.. there are 5 that I can see. I have two plants in the tank. I guess our city trip is going to have to wait a bit.. :) Finally!!
We are up to 10 now and she doesnt look like she is done yet!.... that I can see of!! Maybe a few hiding in the plants!! I am so happy they are finally here.. Now to keep them alive!! Going to head in tonight after they are done to get some of that liqui fry stuff.. and a few other things needed to keep them alive and well.
I've replied on your other thread, but just want to say, you don't need liquifry; that's for egg bearer fry; platy fry are big enough not to need that; it'll probably just pollute your water.

Very finely crushed flake, or a high protein pellet is fine.
Yes, I saw that . Thank you!! And okay about the liquifry.. good to know. I have dedcided to wait a while before heading to the city.. probably give her another hour or so before I leave. Then I wll transfer her back to the community tank and let nature do its course over there. Or will that be too stressful for her? She wont die will she? I just want enough fry to raise to watch them grow and for the kids to see grow...
Thanks.. Although.. There are only 8 alive I think as of now. :( The others arent moving at all. Im not sure what I did. I went to the city to get the supplies needed.. and they just arent moving. I have now put in a new filter for the fry and returned the other filter to the 10 gal. I bought a heater..only one though.. should i put it in with the fry? Or probably not? Oh.. and.. I cant find my net.. whats the best way to clean the fry tank? I have been just syphoning water off the bottom of the tank and removing any thing from the bottom in my normal tank.. but the fry are so small.. they would go up in the tube!!
Nope.. I was wrong.. there are 14 alive!! I hope they survive. I did a water change.. I moved them out of the tank while I did the water change and clean up of the bottom..so none would go for a ride in the hose. They all look good. I ended up putting the heater in the fry tank as I raed it would be best to keep it in there instead. I shoudl have bought two.. they were cheap. I added more plants to the 10 gal. tank with the other platies.. fake ones though.. the plants at the one store were all dying and the other was closed. Well.. wish me luck that I keep all 14 fry alive.
Nope.. I was wrong.. there are 14 alive!! I hope they survive. I did a water change.. I moved them out of the tank while I did the water change and clean up of the bottom..so none would go for a ride in the hose. They all look good. I ended up putting the heater in the fry tank as I raed it would be best to keep it in there instead. I shoudl have bought two.. they were cheap. I added more plants to the 10 gal. tank with the other platies.. fake ones though.. the plants at the one store were all dying and the other was closed. Well.. wish me luck that I keep all 14 fry alive.

Good luck with them, though don't be surpised if some die along the way, it's just nature sadly, they can't all make it. I had 15 guppy fry about 3 months ago. They spent a few weeks growing up in the hatchery in my main tank, lost a few on the way there. Then I moved them out to their own tank. Now there is just 5, 2 males and 3 females :)

It's funny they are growing at different rates. I had a male guppy fry who was in colour before these guys had any, but he died sadly. These guys are finally catching up. Though oddly one male has a red tail with black spots and the other has a black and greeny-yellow tail (Two dads maybe), but they both have the same body markings. It's really cool.

I wish you luck raising them.
Thank you! I am happy that they are finally here.. I am not expecting them to all live. I have them in my 5 gal. tank so hopefully that helps things a bit. I cant wait until they start showing color and what not. Will be neat to see. as long as 3 or 4 survive from thisv batch, I will be happy. I would like to get a bigger tank (when the budget allows). I would like to find a really pretty platy and breed her with on of my sunset males.

The main tank looks full now with the new plants. My fish seem to be swimming around more now that the plants are in there. Im thinking they are happy now! I think I am getting addicted to this fish keeping stuff.

And I FINALLY got an ammonia test kit. My fry tank is almost perfect.. but my main tank needs some work. I will do a water change in it today. But I took the filter out for a couple days to put in with the momma platy for thefry.. good thing I got a new filter for the fry tank!

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