

Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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Are there any stateside buddies using one of these and if so have you any comments you'd like to share.
Any comments will be appreciated.
Are there any stateside buddies using one of these and if so have you any comments you'd like to share.
Any comments will be appreciated.

One of my local club members uses it. He likes it a decent amount. He says the only downsides to it are that although it's more than sufficient, the flowrate isnt quite that of a Tunze wavebox and that the belts need to be changed periodically.
Are there any stateside buddies using one of these and if so have you any comments you'd like to share.
Any comments will be appreciated.

One of my local club members uses it. He likes it a decent amount. He says the only downsides to it are that although it's more than sufficient, the flowrate isnt quite that of a Tunze wavebox and that the belts need to be changed periodically.
The main problem I could see with it was that it couldn't be tuned to the size of the aquarium, the way the wavebox is.

I wouldn't worry about it not being quite as powerful as a Tunze as it costs a fraction of the price, as well as meaning it could be used on smaller tank.
and that the belts need to be changed periodically.
So obviously it would be wise to have a couple of spares in.
I'm going with the powerheads and the Hydor Flo's for now but I was thinking of future upgrades.
Thanks guys
hydor flows arent that good IMO, they cut down on the flow rate of the powerhead.... I found that if i cut some tubing to fit the output of my powerhead and then fit the hydor at the end of the tubing, then cut a hole in the tubing near the hydor side i get some of the water comes out of the hole. and the water that comes out of the hydor stays the same, this way i dont waste as much water flow. But i still threw my hydor away even after this.....

PM me if you want more info on how i added the tubing.
Yeah I know I've been down this route numerous times, but they have their use as all round flo directors rather than the straight output from a powerhead.
I had asked a favorite LFS about it and he had one on hand to show me how it worked. He compared it to the surge created by the tunze wavebox and it was no comparison. There were several things I didn't like about it.

a. You can't use only one for a larger system (100-200 gallons). You need 2-3 total to get the correct motion. I believe only one Tunze wavebox can be used for sytems that size.

b. The motor heats up like an oven. I couldn't touch it, it was so hot. I've read on other forums that he motor gets so hot that it overheats and faults.

c. It is actually less energy efficient than the Tunze wavebox. I believe it is 3 or 4x the energy consumption.

I understand the Tunze is twice the cost, but in the long run it is less expensive than the Wavebox when you consider motors overheating and needing replacement, external belts snapping off and needing replacement, and long term energy consumption
Thanks "S"
That was a nice constructive reply to my initial question. I'll look at the Tunze again but I think it will be a little too strong or can it be adjusted.

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