I have a WAVE Skimmer 280 with a carbon pad and a sponge behind it, it does a great job but I have been thinking (MAYBE too much!) about making a refgium inside it?
Would that be possible?
I'm not an expert on them so thought I would ask, as much as I want to create a nice big bucket refgium my partner won't let me as we are rather lacking on space, and honestly I do agree (but I like having projects and things to do!)
I would like to know if it's possible, as the refgium would be permanently submerged and I can supply it with a light supply for 16 hours a day (same as my fish), would it be beneficial to me and worth the time to scrub it every week, as it is I do 1-2 water changes a week and have kept very clear and healthy water.
Would that be possible?
I'm not an expert on them so thought I would ask, as much as I want to create a nice big bucket refgium my partner won't let me as we are rather lacking on space, and honestly I do agree (but I like having projects and things to do!)
I would like to know if it's possible, as the refgium would be permanently submerged and I can supply it with a light supply for 16 hours a day (same as my fish), would it be beneficial to me and worth the time to scrub it every week, as it is I do 1-2 water changes a week and have kept very clear and healthy water.