Wats wrong wit my betta?

once i was a maggot

Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
melbourne Australia
hi all, i have a crowntail that i got about 3 weeks ago from a pet store about 2 1/2 hours drive from where i live, neways wen i first got him i kept him in a divider in my community tank where i keep all my other males (my dad made this divider, it is larger than ones u can buy and its glass, it also has 4 sections not 3) but he was fine, then after almost a week i put him in a specially made vase that holds 5 litres about 1 1/3 us gallons ruffly, and hes been in there till 2day, but i noticed the other day his head turning white. more and more of his head is going white and goin down to his body, he is also looking a little fat but i dont overfeed. in the vase there was gravel and a plastic plant. his fins and tail are fine. i feed him frozen bloodworms and occasionally betta pellets but he doesnt really like them. he loved his vase which was kept in the lounge room where the heater is on most of the time, it never went over 78 degrees farenheit (not sure bout spelling) and he had a lamp over the vase. today i moved him into a divider in another tank where my females are. i am really worried bout him and any help would be great. i live in australia so i might not be able to get all the medications some of you might suggest so all you aussies on here would be a great help lol
thanx in advance
are his scales sticking out? (like a pinecone)
you need to make sure while he is sick to make him extremely warm. 80 degrees perhaps.
if the temp in the room is 78, the water is probably 73-76.
i guess you cant have a heater in the vase you might want to look into getting a reptile heat mat and putting it under his vase.
his scales arent sticking out hes just getting really fat. i fed him a cooked pea without the skin thinking he may be constipated, which he loved. as i said before i moved him into a divider in another tank and the temp is on 80F(the divider is huge so he can move, it would hold about 2 aussie litres. any more help would be great, thanx jac
i really dont want him to die, he is my ownly crowntail, so he is special and i would never want a fish to suffer or die anyway.
can someone plz help! lol. my crowntail is getting fatter and fatter like he is gong to burst. he is eating and swimming normal. he has got most of his colour back now but his belly looks like its gona pop! i fed him another cooked pea hoping it will help
thanx in advance
prolly not a tumor.. hmmm, i would take it to the vet if i was you..
Maybe he is a female? Are his fins short? Are they long? I would hold back on the feeding for about 2 days.
i agree. i would fast for 2 days then feed another pea. if he isnt better see if its a tumor.

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