waters gone cloudy

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Mar 31, 2003
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north east - england
tank is hopefully cycling now, tested ammonia today its gone from 4.0 to 0.5-1.0 since sunday and nitrite is still 0.25, problem is the water has gone cloudy added some stress zyme will this help the cloudiness or is it just because i have a bacteria bloom? also i only feed fish once a day will this help?
i forgot to ask should i do a water change or clean the filter? it would be the first since i bought the tank on 21st march

From what you have posted it sounds like you are right and it is just a bacteria bloom. Just keep up the water changes (small and frequent is better) and just add the Stress Zyme when you do the water changes (bear in mind to add just enough Stress Zyme to replace the amount you are removing with the water changes).

As for the filter if you feel it does need cleaning I would recommend that you only clean half the media at a time until the cycle is completed. Just remove half the media, gently rinse it in the water you have taken out for the water change and replace it. Then in a couple of weeks rinse the other half......

HTH a bit. B)
just changed some water about 20% water is still cloudy will this settle down? i just feel like everything is going wrong with my tank

Yep, it should clear up after a few days. Look at it this way, at least it means you have bacteria so the tank is deff cycling ok.....

It will get there and once it's done it well worth the wait.

Keep smilin'. :D
When I first got my first tank, I started freaking when it went cloudy. I went to the closest lfs and asked to use a small tank until I could find out what was wrong with the water. After asking me some questions about how old the tank was, water changes and the like he burst out laughing which shocked me in spite of his knowing smile the whole time I was talking to him. To get to the point I have found that sometimes it takes 3-4 days for the water to clear. It will usually clear as fast as it came. :D

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