Waterdogs ~ salamanders


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
Does anybody keep these? My lfs just got about 6 in and I must say....they're freakin' awesome! But I'm not sure what they'd need, I've searched and come up with very little info, I'd really like to get one or two, so any info you have will be helpful :D
lmao dog fish? :lol: i posted a topic a while ago asking about dogfish, but most people told me about the ugly wild ones who are huge, lol. I saw them at my local pet store once, and have wanted one ever since. If you get one, lemme know how it goes =)
I had a mud puppy that eventually turned into a beautiful black and yellow spotted salamander...forgot the type. I kept him in a big rubbermaid tub,kept his water at 80 degrees,(had to change it like every day almost they are so messy) he basked in the sunshine from my window and I took him outside alot to sit in the sun abit. You can feed them feeder fish,earthworms,raw fish meat,bugs,they'll eat anything. I put the non-living food on the end of one of the extra long matchsticks because I didn't have any forceps,they are very aggressive eaters and hand feeding scared me. LOL When he turned into a mature salamander he was tamed down and we could hold him. I didn't have alot of fancy equipment like I have now,but they don't take much at all. Just good water and lots of food and some nice light/sunshine. Let me know if you have a specific Q and I'll try to answer it for you,wuv. :)
I suppose my searches turned up very little because they're called waterdogs :rofl: :rofl: :*) or mud puppies,like Heather said ;) ,I'm a doofus :whistle:

My lfs still has them,not sure if I'm ready to start up another tank :whistle: -_-

Heather, what size tank do you think one or two would be comfy in?
sumer_kay said:
most people told me about the ugly wild ones who are huge
OMG I'm literally terrified of the wild ones... They are scary and so ugly :sick:

We went to a outdoor aquarium sort of place last summer where they had a few of these in tanks and my fiance kept bugging me about them... They are so gross looking :hyper:
I'd say for two of them at least a 20 gallon long. They stay on the bottom 95% of the time so I'd get the shorter and longer tank vs the tall short ones wuv.

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