Water to fish Ratio


Fish Crazy
Jun 1, 2004
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Hello. Can someone tell me the water to fish ratio. I know it's 1" of fish but I can't remember what amount of water.

And how do you work out how many cubic inches/cm's whatever the water ratio is, are in your tank. It's been a while since school :*)
Thankyou :D
Thankyou very much. It worked out that I'm allowed 181 cm of fish. SO I'll have to work that out, plus allowing for the pleco and angels which will grow I guess.
But thankyou. I think I might be allowed more fishies :D
How good is that calculator? I only ask because using that I'm allowed 31 inches of fish, wheras if I use the 1 inch of fish per gallon of water "rule" I'd be allowed 20 inches of fish in my 20 gallon long. I'm all for being allowed more fish though :D

Haven't gotten any in the tank yet though.......
The 1" per gallon rule is not always correct.

For example would you put a 20" oscar in a 20 gallon tank? The amount of fish you can stock depends on the surface area of the tank
Doggfather said:
The 1" per gallon rule is not always correct.

For example would you put a 20" oscar in a 20 gallon tank? The amount of fish you can stock depends on the surface area of the tank
I agree, even a 10 inch oscar can't be kept in a 20 gallon.
I realize this isn't going to simplify matters much but not only do you have the 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon rule but that can be bent slightly if the fish are living on different levels...like Corydoras on the bottom, Tetras in the middle layer of the tank and guppies at the top. Well, according to my daughter, and it seems to work.

Good point about not putting a 20" fish in a 20 gallon...that made me blink. So much for rules! Do you honestly think somebody would :crazy: ....no, I don't wanna know! And with goldfish being such prolific (to-be-polite) water muddiers--I imagine you could keep even less of them per gallon---is that right, to keep the water balanced?

I'm glad I found out about that surface area being so important rule....somebody offered us a 2 gallon tank in the shape of a large Crayola crayon! It had the surface area the size of the palm of my hand! Makes one shudder, what is out there.

Well when stocking your tank I think you have to consider several things. The waste of the fish, the adult size, and the area of the tank they will occupy. Right now my tank will accomodate the waste of my fish but the mid swimming level is a little cramped. Your water parameters will probably be the biggest tell tale sign of how much you can stock. If you have any nitrite or any ammonia what so ever on an established tank you shouldn't add any more fish.
Honestly I would throw all this fish rules right out the window. There are entirely way too many variables for any of them to work. Fish like space, the more space the better. Im not saying keep one tetra in a 55 either. It comes down to common sense. When it comes to happy healthy fish always lean towards the understocking side. Take for instance my 55g in my living room. Its currently stocked with 1 angel, 1 dwarf flame gourami, 4 panda cories and a gold nugget pleco. I could add more fish but it just wouldnt be natural looking. Any more and they wouldnt act naturally. Of course this is all just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions :whistle:

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