Water Testing Kits


New Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Devon, UK
I've been reading through the beginners guide to keeping fish and from other posts, it looks like I'm doing a fish in cycle.

As yet I don't have a water test kit and am taking water samples to my local fish shop and I think this is the test kit they are using themselves (description below).

Would you recommend this?

Api Liquid Freshwater Master Test Kit
This kit tests tap water and aquarium water for five different parameters that affect the health of freshwater fish: pH, High Range pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Highly accuate and economical. Unique, transparent dome allows clear view of contents. Includes all tests required to test the nitrogen cycle. Kit includes computer-calibrated and laminated color cards, 4 glass test tubes and holding tray. Also contains complete, step-by-step instruction booklet, including information on how to correct unsafe water conditions. Compact and easy to store. Over 800 tests.
I've been reading through the beginners guide to keeping fish and from other posts, it looks like I'm doing a fish in cycle.

Api Liquid Freshwater Master Test Kit
Hi, I'm in exactly the same position, about to fill our tank for the first time today - and I was looking for a recommendation for a test kit. The one you mention was the one that I thought I might get, although it's a bit pricey. Hopefully someone with more experience might comment.

I'm curious about starting off the cycle with some water from a smaller existing tank that we already have, should be full of "good" bacteria.
It is a generally recommended good all rounder, yes. Worth getting one if you're fish in cycling as you'll need to test daily. They tend to be a bit cheaper on eBay. A test kit really is essential so is worth paying for. Replacing dead fish because the tank has poisoned them will be less cost effective.

You cannot cycle with water from another tank, there are no useful levels of bacteria in it (nor on gravel or decor for that matter) but if you add some of the media from a fully cycled filter into a new filter it will give it a bit of a kick start. Still need to test daily and assume you are cycling, as it just speeds it up a bit.
It's a good kit. I've heard a lot of good things about sailfert kits and was planning on dipping my toe into those soon, but they're more expensive, but the API is a widely used kit.
OK, looks like this is a good test kit to get. Am ordering one now - not on eBay though as not the cheapest - found on Amazon instead.

Thanks for advice.
Yes, if you can get hold of salifert kits they are very good but do come as separate tests, so will be more expensive. I have the ammonia and nitrite ones only - think they were at least £7 each online, and you will need to buy online or order via fish shop - rare to find them on the shelf.

Many people successfully cycle a tank with the API kit, so if money is an issue feel confident in going for the API kit.
The API test kit is great but I hate the test for Nitrate as it's tricky and requires tons of shaking to bottle then tube.

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