Water temp?

Vegas Marine

New Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi all;

I am setting up a new marine tank and as it's summer in Las Vegas, it's freaking HOT!

My tank is running at 80-82 degrees. I have been putting a sealed bag of ice in it every evening to cool it down a bit. I get about a degree of cooling for every bag.

Good idea, or bad? would the fish be OK at 82*, or is harder on them getting a bag of ice every night???

Well, right now I only have 3 small damselfish. I'm planning on a clownfish and maybe some tangs.

The ice bag works, but I'm worried about the temprature fluctuation being harder on the fish than the elevated temps???? :(
All my tanks run @ 82 degrees.

I would prefer to run cooler but halides pose a problem especially in this weather.

No problems with this temperature IMO

I have the following fish

Pair Watanabei Angels
Coral Beauty
Blue Throat Trigger
Small shoal of Anthias
Emperor Tang
Pair common Clowns
Purple Fire fish
Royal Gramma
Silty Wrasse
Yellow Wrasse
6 Line Wrasse
Cherub Angel

Among others


Bloodshrimps 3
Cleanershrimps 3
Peppermint Shrimps 2
loads of cerith snails, IO snails and turbos
loads of Reglegs and a Zebra leg Hermit Crabs

Acroporas 3
Bubble coral
pulsing xenia (2 different species)
yellow polyps

And the list goes on.. :crazy: Basically what im trying to point out is that i have many fish and inverts from various diferents depths of a reef and they dont suffer frm othis temperature.

The key to success IMO is stability. having a temperature of 82 is fine as long as it doesnt swing wildly during the day as the day heats up etc. same goes with SG as well stability is the key.

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