Water Temp ?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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what is a good range for bettas? the one without heater is 20 c /70f and he seems happy...whereas ones with heaters are 28c/79f so I suppose second is better...and we have central heating at the moment on so that is probably making a difference! away next week so no central heating on and no one to feed fish!
Introduction to Bettas



The optimal betta temperature is 74-82F, the absolute minimum being 68. So when you're picking out a tank for your new betta you need to consider the temperature of your house. If he won't be warm enough, you'll need to buy a small heater. 25w works perfect for a small tank, 2.5 to 5 gallons. A heater in a tank any smaller than that can be risky. If you'll require a heater,you must buy a bigger tank.


I keep my male at about 78F and my female at a shocking 84F. My larger tank (where the girl is), tends to be quite warm, on account of the lighting for the plants.
yes Thanks gotta go and buy a new heater today anyway. just panicking as I am away and no one will look after my babies! :grr:
20 seems a little cool, my goldfish are kept at that and they aren't tropical :crazy:

I keep my adults at around 78-79 degrees the warmer they are, the more active they are.

Don't worry about them being fed. I have been away and left my adults a week and all were perfectly well, very happy to see me and the pot of food when I returned, but happy :lol: Better for them to be hungry when you get back than over-fed by some well-meaning fish sitter

Just do a water change the day before but don't feed massively as they will foul the water and will have to sit in it for a week :/

Lastly, try not to worry about them, but I know how hard that is :rolleyes:
Hmm I'm Not Sure... My Tank With Heater In Is Currently 85 Degrees Although That May Have Someting To Do With The Wind Always Blowing In :p

The majority of tanks are kept between 25/27 C, I don't like them getting any hotter cause if I do have to treat for any problems then I wouldn't be able to get any higher. So for me 25/27c is good.
Chance's tank is 72 F - and he loves it. He's a hyper little fish. If I warm it more than that, he doesn't really change his activity level.
I keep my tanks about 79-80 degrees. Never have a parasite problem. Ich and velvet don't like the higher temps and leave my babies alone. My bettas are also the most active in that range.

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