Water Results And Nitrate


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2006
Reaction score
UK - South London
Hi all,

today I tested both my tap water and my tank water, an early test, but a curious one, tank only setup 2 days ago, it obviously has no fish.

Ph 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 80

Ph 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 80

so, same results, to be expected I guess, in such a new set-up.

Question is though, how can I reduce the Nitrate levels with water changes, when my tap nitrate is so high?

and how do I reduce my pH, is it as simple as just buying a pH reducer chemical?

anything else I should look at or do?

many thanks

Your PH is fine... you don't want to start trying to mess with PH unless it's absolutely necessary. As far as nitrates you could try using a product such as DeNitrate in your filter system. Are you planning on doing a fishless cycle?
Your PH is fine... you don't want to start trying to mess with PH unless it's absolutely necessary. As far as nitrates you could try using a product such as DeNitrate in your filter system. Are you planning on doing a fishless cycle?

hi leslie - thanks again for the fast reply.

I am reading about fishless cycling on this site right now, although the two links it suggests are both bad :-( .

i certainly am not interested in sacrificing fish to get things going!!!

from what I have read (without the links), I need some established gravel? would putting in real plants perfrom a similar job? would the bacteria be on those? should i drop in some flake food to help things out?

many thanks

Hi Dave

If you can get some established filter material you can certainly greatly help the cycling process. Plants can not cycle your tank. Gravel from an established tank will help as well. If you are using gravel/filter materials from an established tank make sure that tank is a healthy tank. When I was first cycling my tanks there was no way for me to get ammonia so fishless cycling was not an option. I've used a product called Stability to kick start a cycle and it worked for me, although there are many skeptics on such products and I can only speak on my experience with it. The hard part is cycling your first tank... once MTS* hits you'll have all the material you need to cycle the next tank and the one after that and the one after that, etc. Be warned that MTS is a very common occurance.

*MTS - Multiple Tank Syndrome :hyper:
Hi Dave

If you can get some established filter material you can certainly greatly help the cycling process. Plants can not cycle your tank. Gravel from an established tank will help as well. If you are using gravel/filter materials from an established tank make sure that tank is a healthy tank. When I was first cycling my tanks there was no way for me to get ammonia so fishless cycling was not an option. I've used a product called Stability to kick start a cycle and it worked for me, although there are many skeptics on such products and I can only speak on my experience with it. The hard part is cycling your first tank... once MTS* hits you'll have all the material you need to cycle the next tank and the one after that and the one after that, etc. Be warned that MTS is a very common occurance.

*MTS - Multiple Tank Syndrome :hyper:

I have been trying DIY and Chemists ALL day today to try and find Ammonia, and I keep getting the same answer!!! I don't think i'm going to get my hands on any??

what else can I do?

also, how do I use the deNitrate? and how do I reduce the level in my tap water prior to future water changes??? as my tap is currently 80!

many thanks

Not sure about getting your hands on ammonia. If you're in the UK I know many members have been able to get it. I know how you feel... I asked all over the place and kept getting the same answer. The stores here tell me they don't sell it as it's a primary ingredient used in illegal drug labs. The reasoning makes sense but not to the poor fishies !! My first tank was cycled using 3 goldfish. It's a 125 gallon tank and they were fed every second day to keep the process as slow as possible.

As far as your nitrates go the best idea would be an R.O. unit. Here's an interesting article I found:


The DeNitrate is a material that you put in your filter.
HI I bought some in home base this week. If you live local I'll give i'll the bottle to you. Where are you.
thanks for all your answers!

I purchased DeNitrate and the bag is now in my filter (in the top? is this right?, I have a jewel 125l, the filter and heater are together in a black casing in the corner of the tank!!) should I put it in the middle of the filter?

I also managed to get a HUGE bag of established gravel from my LFS, which is currently in my tank in a pair of stockings (not mine ;-)), easily 4 fist sizes lumps!

also, i've dropped a pinch of flake into the water.

never though about homebase!! I am in carshalton, surrey. i'll give homebase and boots a try tomorrow. although, my lfs said that a small pinch of flake a day is a good method of increasing bacteria!!

really appreciate all the help.

many thanks

I'm not familiar with that filter (we don't have Jewel in the US) but as long as the water is able to flow through and get in contact with the product it should be fine.

Sounds like you have a helpful LFS... very nice of them to give you some established gravel.

You're well on your way !!
I'm not familiar with that filter (we don't have Jewel in the US) but as long as the water is able to flow through and get in contact with the product it should be fine.

Sounds like you have a helpful LFS... very nice of them to give you some established gravel.

You're well on your way !!
Hi all,

yes, she was very friendly, and i was very charming !!

just as an update, my Nitrate reads 20 today! that's a fall of 60ppm in 16 hours!!! (80 to 20).

thanks again for all your replies.


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