water question


Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Trumbull, Connecticut
hi yall, just a quick question, on the top of my fish bowl it appears to be oily without the colors? if that makes sense... but its not clear like it should be and its got this wierd substance on it and when i put my finger in and take it out it appears clear i nthat spot until the substance moves in again... any ideas on what it good be/ how to get rid of it?
did you wash the tank out well before using it?
it might also be the food you are using. are you feeding flakes?
is there a cover on the tank?
Yeah, I used to have a veritable skin on the water.

Not sure how I solved the problem, I'm afraid. Hm.. Perhaps less feeding or whatnot.

Oh yeah, it was the fry trap. Less feeding. :nod:
you might not think so, but dust can form a film on the water pretty quickly.

i would sugges getting a lid anyways since bettas do sometimes jump.
Some sort of glass or glass-like substance. Just drill holes and make sure the betta has a few inches of air above the water level. CD sounds like a good idea.

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