water problems


New Member
Jan 24, 2005
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Hello everyone first off cool website I really like it. Ok this is my situation when I started my 90 gallon tank I didn't cycly the tank. I am currently fileting my tank with a aquaclear 110, pinguin 330, and a fluval 304. At the begging as was under filterd and the amonia levels were off the roof, so I did this filtration setup. I have had the tank for 8 weeks and it is still not cycled properly the amonia lowered itself and the nitrite went high. The water looked real cloudy and smelled bad. So I did a 60% water change. I managed to lower the nitrite to a .25 and the water looked better but the next day It got cloudy again. Since I bought it was following all the guideline I've been told like doing 205 water changes every week. I have been battling to get the tank to look clean, but for some reason I can,t. I have 6" oscar, 2" jack, 2'" blood parrot and a tiger barb. My PH is reading at 72 and the amonia at .50, the nitrite is currently ay .25 and nitrate at 0. Please help I think that maybe I am not doing something right but I can't figure it out. To top it all off I think my oscar is showing symptoms of hole in the head. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
try to get some bacteria from other tanks like use filter cartridges and gravel they have benifitial bacteria on them

can u purchase biospira or cycle? products it seemed to speed up my process

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