I've tested my water a few times over the past week. My ammonia is from .1 to .2 with NitrItes at 0. This is a tank that has been established for over 2 months now. NitrAtes are a tad high, at 40. Hardness has been consistent at 120. In the past week, I have done 2 water changes of 10% to try and lower nitrates.
My real problems though are the total alkalinity/buffering capacity and the pH. They are both off the chart - and my pH test maxes out at 8.4. When I first tested a week ago, they were both perfect at 180 and 6.8.
We have REALLY high pH here and the lfs said to treat it with pH6.5 b/c that's what they do so that's what the fish are used to. So I did that when first setting my tank up, but haven't used it since then b/c I've read in several places that fish do better with constant pH instead of up and down.
I have the fish in my signature in this tank. They all seem happy and healthy, but I'm worried aobut the high alkalinity and pH hurting them long term
My real problems though are the total alkalinity/buffering capacity and the pH. They are both off the chart - and my pH test maxes out at 8.4. When I first tested a week ago, they were both perfect at 180 and 6.8.
We have REALLY high pH here and the lfs said to treat it with pH6.5 b/c that's what they do so that's what the fish are used to. So I did that when first setting my tank up, but haven't used it since then b/c I've read in several places that fish do better with constant pH instead of up and down.
I have the fish in my signature in this tank. They all seem happy and healthy, but I'm worried aobut the high alkalinity and pH hurting them long term