water problem


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Sunderland UK
my water provider must have done something to my water recently as it has gone to crap.
when i do a water change my water is already cloudy when i add it to the tank, the water still reading @ the same as before but looks crap.
when you stand back from the tank it looks ok but at closer inspection you can see its cloudy and its like this when i pour it into the bucket.
what can i do too remove this as i can not stand it any more.
Two suggestions. Buy a filter and filter your water, or buy filtered water. It sounds like some kind of metal or mineral build up is being pushed into the water line to me.
Usually when you add tap water it is already cloudy and is never clear to begin with. Like what was said buy a good filter. I dont know how long you have had it set up but i have the same problem and it goes away in a week or two. Doesnt seem to affect the fish any.HTH
thanks both of you.
i am off to look into buying a filter that fits to my water supply.

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