Water Mixing???


Oct 27, 2002
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Im cleaning a 6ft tank that was a fish only setup, and now gonna convert my reef stuff from my 4ft into the 6ft. As in the past ive aded chemicals to combat white spot etc.. the water is unusable for the reef.. coz of the copper in the chemicals etc.

But my question is... the subtrate that is in the fish only setup.. If i wash it all vigoursly could i use that to to bed the reef instead?????.. thinking of saving cash, as im going to need about another £400.00 worth of live rock.. so need the cash...

Its a pitty that i have to bin the water in the fish only, the 6ft tank in the bedroom that i`ve re-homed them in.. isnt as high and little less width, so lots of water spare... i was thinking of filtering it all. or buying some chemical that apparenlty erradicates the copper etc.. i just thought to be sure.. just better r/o more myself...
What is the substrate? Crushed coral or crushed argonite? I would purchase new sand, crushed argonite. You can seed it with a cup or 2 of live sand from your LFS. I just wouldn't risk any copper getting into the reef.
i was thinking of buying whole new batch like.. hmm its a shame though... so just buy alot of cheap subtrate, then some live sand just get the rest going?
Not only is the substrate, regardless of what it is, unusable, but the TANK is unusable for inverts. While there may be stories of people having had success converting, there are many, many more sad stories of livestock and money lost. The odds are overwhelming that all corals, snails, crabs and shrimp will die from copper poisoning.

It is not a guarantee, but the odds are heavily against you.
The tank is unusable??? oh crap......so i need to buy another. thats great.lol.. well i better start looking for a brand new one then. thx for the info.
To be sure, ask the question of Randy Holmes-Farley on Reef Central. He may have some trick to make it safe. His is the reef chemistry forum there.

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