water issues


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
West yorkshire, UK
ok 3 day's ago 2 of my guppies died and over night the water went really pea soup looking i had the water tested and while levels of ammonia and nitrate were slightly rased it was nothing that a water change would not fix (as the tank was due a change that day) i completed a 40 % change but since then the water is still kind of cloady here are some picture soory some are on their side any advice on what to do???

edit: or upside down??? have no idea how taht happened!!!!!!!??????????



It looks like a bacterial bloom, what are your recent ammonia, nitrate and nitrite stats and how long has the tank been set up? What fish do you have in the tank and how many and how many gallons does the tank hold?
I would do another 40% water change with dechlorinator right now, what has been your tank cleaning regime recently?
water stats are fine ( according to lfs)

tank has been running for 8 weeks (with fish

fish are
3 neons
2 platys
2 guppies
1 baby platy
(numbers have diminished due to deaths)

i'm not planning on adding any other fish untill water problem is sorted

uk 10 galolon hex tank

thanks for your help water change on it's way!!!!!!!!!
I would go out and buy your own water quality test kits for ammonia, nitrates and nitrites as that way you will realy know what is going on in your water, your tank will still be cycling and it is very hard to attain good water quality in a cycling tank- there is no reason why your lfs would and should tell you your exact stats and wether they are ok and many don't, so taking responsability for these kinds of things are important and will give you a much better idea of what is going on in your water quality.
What you have though at the moment is a bacterial bloom which are not uncommon in new tank setups and not life threatening to your fish in the majority of cases, keep doing 20% water changes with dechlorinator on a daily and basis and it will clear up.
thanks so much for your advice i will do the 20% changes daily thanks again!!

edit: and i will go buy a testing kit this weekend

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