Water Hyacinths


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2021
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Are these plants suitable to use in a fish tank? I know they are used in outdoor ponds, but I'm curious about inside tanks. Thanks.
If you have a big aquarium with good light and no coverglass, they can be grown indoors. However, they do not do well under coverglass and get too big for an average sized aquarium.
In New Zealand they are a noxious weed, and are not allowed to be kept anywhere.
Funny story about water hyacinth. I had some growing in a tub in my backyard. It is illegal to keep in Australia too because it can take over natural waterways. But I managed to get some (don't ask how coz I don't remember). Anyway, I had this water hyacinth plant growing in a tub in the backyard and it was flowering. My mum came over with a friend from work. They both worked for the water corporation and knew water hyacinth was illegal. My mum's friend actually worked in the department that issues fines/ infringements. Mum's friend is looking around the garden and sees the water hyacinth and goes, "What a lovely looking plant. What is it?
My mum says "No idea, it's my son's".
Mum's friend asks my mum if she can ask me for some of the plant for her pond.
Needless to say I didn't have any spare, sorry. Slinks off into my room to avoid them. :)


Another funny story but about freshwater pipefish. We got some in and they were in the quarantine room for 2 weeks like normal. They came in legally through customs and quarantine and were seen at the airport and several times in the shop's quarantine room. They were listed as freshwater pipefish and had all the paperwork saying that.

The day the fish were released the quarantine guy asks what they were. We said freshwater pipefish, which is what they were. He said cool and released them from quarantine. Two days later he comes back with his boss and says "look at these cool pipefish". The boss is not amused because they aren't meant to be brought into the country.

After lengthy talks with the quarantine boys, they let us keep the pipefish because they weren't formally on the restricted list. They weren't on any list at all, so we got to keep them. :)
Funny story about water hyacinth. I had some growing in a tub in my backyard. It is illegal to keep in Australia too because it can take over natural waterways. But I managed to get some (don't ask how coz I don't remember). Anyway, I had this water hyacinth plant growing in a tub in the backyard and it was flowering. My mum came over with a friend from work. They both worked for the water corporation and knew water hyacinth was illegal. My mum's friend actually worked in the department that issues fines/ infringements. Mum's friend is looking around the garden and sees the water hyacinth and goes, "What a lovely looking plant. What is it?
My mum says "No idea, it's my son's".
Mum's friend asks my mum if she can ask me for some of the plant for her pond.
Needless to say I didn't have any spare, sorry. Slinks off into my room to avoid them. :)


Another funny story but about freshwater pipefish. We got some in and they were in the quarantine room for 2 weeks like normal. They came in legally through customs and quarantine and were seen at the airport and several times in the shop's quarantine room. They were listed as freshwater pipefish and had all the paperwork saying that.

The day the fish were released the quarantine guy asks what they were. We said freshwater pipefish, which is what they were. He said cool and released them from quarantine. Two days later he comes back with his boss and says "look at these cool pipefish". The boss is not amused because they aren't meant to be brought into the country.

After lengthy talks with the quarantine boys, they let us keep the pipefish because they weren't formally on the restricted list. They weren't on any list at all, so we got to keep them. :)
I have two for you. I won the pond competition in my home town three years in a row with water Hyacinth in the pond. Nobody said anything.
I also had a tank at home that only had unidentified fish that came through quarantine. When we got Rasboras or Danios in there were always some odd balls which I would take home. Most of them were just silver fish, nothing spectacular. But should have got the chop really.

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