Water Depth


New Member
Mar 15, 2007
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Crazy question, I know :rolleyes: ...In general, how "full" do most people fill their tanks?

1. All the way to the top, almost running over?

2. almost to the top, maybe 1/2" to 1" from the top?

3. The water line is visible when veiwing from the front?

4. Whatever feels good at the moment?

Just curious as to how most people setup their tanks, and if thier is a method to the madness.

I wouldn't call it crazy, I've wondered the same thing before.

My tanks all vary - most of them are almost to the top, with the water line visible (an inch down from there or so). However, the tank with my bala sharks and bichir are about 5" down, since both are notorious for jumping/escaping, and I'd rather not have them leaving the tank. Another tank of mine has floating plants (pistia stratiores), which appreciates not getting burnt by the lights, so it's a little lower for that reason. And I remember when I had apple snails, I left the water around 2-3" lower so that they could lay eggs out of water, but not on the hood itself.
For me it depends on the tank capacity. Larger tanks I leave about 1/4" to 1/2" from the top. Smaller tanks get closer to an inch. My fat arm displaces more water in a smaller tank when I'm working on it, if I leave a 10 or 20 gallon too full it will overflow.
i fill mine to the bottom of the black strip across the top of my tank (its about an inch from the very top)

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