Water De-chlorinator, Essential?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
as the topic says is water de-chlorinator essential as i spend alot of money on tetra aquasafe and wondered if i could get away with not using it and saving a few quid
Yes, it is essential. A more concentrated dechlorinator like seachem prime or a pond dechlorinator means you'll get more for your money..
It is very essential, if you don't put it in it will wipe out all of the bacteria in your filter, and will stress your fish out!!!
in my tanks ive havn't been using declorinator for about 3 months-including in a fry tank. Water stats are fine and no losses.
in my tanks ive havn't been using declorinator for about 3 months-including in a fry tank. Water stats are fine and no losses.

Where do you live? Most of the UK (from what I understand) still uses only chlorine which does eventually evaporate...Chloramines (often found in the US) do not! Also different municipalities use different amounts of chlorine/chloramine in their systems. Also you don't mention if you allow your tap water to age, how much you are changing out at once, etc.
Funnily enough there is alot of doubt about whether you actually need dechlorinator.

I know alot of people who do not use dechlorinator, and they have had no problems, cant say ive heard of anyone who takes a trial period of not using dechlor and ends up with illness or loss.

That said, i still use it to be on the safe side.
I change 50-60% of each tanks water per week, using 50% tap water- 50% RO water. So thats 25% of chlorinated water going in. The water stands for 2-3 hours while it heats only. Its London water im not sure of the chlorine/chloramine content.
if its just chlorine in the water if you let it stand for 24 hours and aerate it (airstone) then the chlorine with break down and dissappear.
Havn't used it in a while because I have so many tanks, hasn't effected fish or stats...
it really depends on where you live. before 2004 here in san francisco, you didnt even need dechlorinator, but starting in feb 2004, they added chloramine into the water and that stuff doesnt go away that easily.

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