Water Cleaning Question


Fish Addict
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
I have sort of a quandry here. I just completed a cleaning of my gravel which was over due, probably close to three weeks. But here is the situation. When I had the vacume running I noticed it didnt seem to stir up anything in the gravel. I even went to the bottom of the gravel with it and ran it full open and I still didnt get anything close to what I thought would be there in comparison to the last time. The only thing different from the last time was that I am now running CO2 and my plants are really growning well. Most if not all have good roots growing and I have added some swords plants since then too. Is it possible that my plants are using up all the stuff that has filtered to the gravel as food and that is the reason there is no garbage there?
Even when I moved the plants and such to clean I didnt hardly stir anything up. It almost seems as if it was cleaned only a few days ago. Any one care to sound off on this with an answer???? I would greatly appreciate any response as it is actually kind of bothering me.
Thanks In Advanced

Sounds like you were visited by the Tank Cleaning Fairy :lol: I hope she visits me soon... :rolleyes:

Seriously though, I am racking my brain on how that could happen. Is it possible that you have an area of your UGF that doesn't have gravel over it so none of the sediment is getting filtered into the gravel but instead just circulating through? I suppose if this were true then you would notice cloudy water eh? I am stumped, Plants don't literally EAT sediment...do they?!! I haev seen studies that show that non aquatic plants consume very little of the actual soil they are in, something like fractions of a % per year. I would assume that this would apply to aquatic plants as well? Now you got me wondering :crazy:
Superman , From what I have read is that the waste breaks down in the gravel and the stuff that is broken down is what plants eat. Maybe I am wrong, and I probobly am....lol
I was just totally shocked when I cleaned it cause I had to start feeding my fish a normal meal and then I also give them a snack so I just figured that there would be a ton of stuff in the gravel. As far as the waste being sucked through the gravel and being returned to the water is a possiblity I guess but one side of the tank has just the bubble thing in the tube to make the flow so its not moving alot of water like my power head does. Not to mention there is a minimum of 1 1/2 of gravel sloping up to close to 4 inches on the edges .
I guess I do have a tank cleaning fairy, the only problem with that is she needs to hang around a bit longer and get the house and laundry done too......lol
The search continues, maybe I will catch this fairy and swip her fairy dust and share with the world

LesGerber said:
...she needs to hang around a bit longer and get the house and laundry done too......lol
The search continues, maybe I will catch this fairy and swip her fairy dust and share with the world

:blink: ... :lol:

are you using a ugf? if so, take a flashlight and if possible shine the light under the tank and i think youwill find where all the gunk has gone.

Semper Fi, Yeah after Superman and I posted back and forth today I crawled( not a funny site for a big guy) to look at the underside and believe it or not, there is a lot less junk under the undergravel system from the last time I looked. I guess Superman's tank cleaning fairy did a really good job. I am at a total loss as to where this stuff is going.

Have you ever seen the movie "As Darkness Falls?" It's a story about the toothfairy. If a kid wakes up and sees her, she kills 'em. :grr: :devil: So, unless you're a fairy-killin' expert, I would try to find her, much less steal her pixie-dust, I hear they're worse than Leprecauns :fun: :D :lol: :hyper: :*)
"As Darkness Falls?" It's a story about the toothfairy. If a kid wakes up and sees her, she kills 'em
And here all this time I thought faries were nice creatures.....lol

unless you're a fairy-killin' expert, I would try to find her, much less steal her pixie-dust, I hear they're worse than Leprecauns

I can hear it now......"Lester the Tank Cleaning Fairy Killer" Maybe Fox or UPN will pick it next season :lol: :lol: :lol: :crazy:
Wow after 3 weeks youd think there would be something. I cant imagine 3 weeks. My tank would be gross and I have some plants. If I understand you right you have 2 filters. 1 middle of the tank and a powerhead that runs through an under gravel filter. I once had a similar set up. I liked my powerhead and I think with my ew tank I may put it back in. Anyway what is your middle of the tank filter and how big is your tank. Also is it a shallow of high set up. Its possible if you have a middle of the tank filter thats pretty strong its doing most of the filtering. Then your filter media should be nasty. (after 3 weeks I would expect it to be). Then look at your powerhead and make sure the pump is not clogged. If it loses power then what happens it sucks everything from the middle of the floor where the water filters through easier. (even moreso in your tank since your gravel is banked on the sides creating a nice current throught the middle keeping it clean. and pushing all the nastys toward the perimitter of your tank where you cant see them from the bottom through your tank stand. Honestly I really dont like undergravel filters for this reason everything builds up on the ouside edges and its difficult to clean. I have not used one in years and alot of people dont use one at all.

hth steve :)
Sgtbirch, I am in complete agreement with you that there should have been something there. Here are the details of my tank as I forgot to pass it along when I posted.
55 gallon tank
Water Temp around 79 degrees
Ph 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
Undergravel system under all of tank
Power head on one half of tank
Airstone on other half
Auqa Clear 300 powerfilter with intake approx 10 inches from top (Sponge rinsed in tank water appr once a week more if needed)
2 Sword plants
2 Acousus(I believe)
Various sprigs of Anacharis
3 bunches of Scarlett Hygophillia( New last evening)
Assorted greek ruins
1 ceramic piece that looks like driftwood
Bubble curtian that runs the 48 length but not totally working( I mess with it every few days to avoid to much stress)
I also have a DIY CO2 system feeding bubbles via an airstone near the bottom of the feed tube under the power head and the power head seems to really disperses it nicely.
5 black skirt tetras
6 serpae tetras
4 tiger barbs
2 green tiger barbs
4 assorted swordfish
5 assorted platies
3 cory cats
1 pleco
and 2 fire belly newts(the girlfriends)
I did have a product called bio stars in the powerfilter for bateria but with them in there the water flow was greatly slowed down so I took them out.
Today I added a product called Phos Guard and it is too early to notice any good.
But at the present time I have my filter sponge, the Phos Guard, my Carbon filter, and poly fill to polish the water.
I hope I didnt leave anything out and if I did please let me know.
Also I try to wash if not change the poly fill every couple of days more if needed.
Eventually I will be going to a sand substrate but that is going to mean that I will need a big external fitering system and that in itself is a whole nother thread.
I hope this info helps

Firebelly newts will die eventually if the temp is 79 degrees. I found this out the hard way when I was younger. I did research to figure out why my newts died, and found out that ideally they should be kept between 55 and 72 degrees F. I found that most places recommended 70 degrees as the highest they should be kept at. Both my newts had died of bloat, which can be brought on by high water temps. I just thought I would let you know about the water temp issue, I hope you find a way to make the newts happy. :)
Thanks for the heads up Superman, gonna have to figure something different with them. We got them for the girlfriend but I am taking a shining to them already.....they swim and climb up on me in the tank which I think is cool.....much better than my 4 inch pleco the other night....lmao


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